

I am Méline Sieber.

TL; DR: I juggle zeros and ones, play with language and tickle ears: A natural-born analyst with the skill set of a computer scientist, sinologist and journalist.

I currently work as a…

cyber security analyst and in incident response. Among other things, I'm the Pythonista in residence, automate processes and take care of CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence).

I am a…

… computer scientist with a BSc from the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST, formerly HSR). My thesis is a network automation project in Python that manages data stored in various network device inventories. Infosec has always been my field of interest, but developing tools in Python is a passion as well.

… journalist. I completed a two-year traineeship at the Swiss Public Radio and Television (SRF), which taught me all the required skills to be a journalist and to create audio, video and online news pieces.

sinologist with an MA summa cum laude from the University of Zurich (lic.phil., "Lizentiat" in German). An abbreviated version of my thesis is published in: Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques, 66(4):1031-1080. Yes, I know and have learned classical and modern Chinese. My specialty is Ming and Qing literature, especially Shanghai literature from the 19th century. I follow current affairs in the Chinese-speaking realm, even though my current work is not related to it.

I used to work as a…

… journalist at the Swiss Public Radio and Television. I worked at SRF Digital, which covers all things tech for all SRF radio channels. It has a weekly podcast and used to exist on YouTube. My work covered traditional radio reporting and podcasting, but I also wrote online texts, edited videos, and did live-streaming. Even though I left journalism, the writing urge stays with me.

… Python developer at INS, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil. I was the main developer of "NUTS", which uses pytest and nornir to test a desired network configuration against a real network.

Find me here:

My online presence is on Mastodon, while Twitter/X marks my former presence.

You can find my projects on Github, even though most of them are set to private. My hobby project is nobubo, a pdf n-up tool that assembles digital sewing patterns for larger printing formats.

My writing urge is expressed in cybersim's blog, where I write down my texts instead of thinking about them.